Welcome to the Forum, we would love to hear more about you and why you joined our community!
Introduce yourself and tell us about yourself! What are you most excited about or looking forward to?
The Social Lounge is intended to be a more relaxed space for folks to get together and chat, so don’t feel limited to your role and company in your intro. Plant your flag on the Star Trek vs Star Wars debate, tell us about the game you can’t put down, or sound off on the correct pronunciation of GIF.
Hello and Welcome!
I’m Susan, and I work for SignalWire as a Technical Support Engineer, even if I frequently try to pass for being everyone’s big sister. I fondly identify as a goal-oriented, socially inept carebear, which can be confusing at times since I both want to be an invisible force, AND I’m impatient to fix everyone’s problems at the same time. It means I’m quiet until I have to lay down the law. 
So, let’s talk about hobbies and who I really am!
I build websites. Don’t ask me how many domain names I’ve been collecting since the late 90s. Some are running as intended, and others are parked until I prioritize their development. (I have a corkboard with past, current, and future projects in various stages of development and maintenance. You all have no idea. I run my hobbies like a business, and I probably always will.)
I’m also a freelance editor for dark fantasy, horror, and romance. In 2024, my publishing imprint will release four anthologies, and I manage a staff of six other editors and assistants.
Also, I like Star Trek better than Star Wars!