How to get the kitchen sink library

Hi. I am trying to compile freeswitch 1.10, butt configure is unhappy with the libks that I have which is a couple of years old. Where do I get a newer one?

Also, it looks like is defunct, is there a new place if I need any other libraries?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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Welcome! You can find libks at More info on getting a signalwire token to access the new repo can be found Debian | FreeSWITCH Documentation along with instructions on how to install via package or compile.

hmmm, I get page not found when trying to access libks and if I omit
the libks, all I get is my signal wire space.

The link works fine for me, are you logged into github?

I just tried with a new browser tab.
Let me try again.

OK, worked that time – thanks all.

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