not responding?


I’m trying to install FreeSwitch on a Debian 12 machine, and I’m getting:

Could not connect to (

Is this a known problem (if so, ETA for a fix?) or am I using an out-of-date
hostname, or…?

This has worked on other machines I’ve installed in the past, so I know how to
set up the repository, get the token, download the GPG key, etc.

Anyone else seeing this?


Hello, There was a temporary problem that was resolved. Is it working for you now?

Yes, although in the meantime I had found

What did “temporary” mean?


I think it means “not permanent”. They had some process chew up all the memory or something so they repaired it. Get it while it’s hot!

I think it means “not permanent”.


I was more asking “how long did the lack of connectivity last for?”

They had some process chew up all the memory or something so they repaired
it. Get it while it’s hot!

Hm, sounds like it’s it just a single machine, nothing HA?

Any plans to distribute out to mirror servers?
