Colleagues, please tell me what I’m doing wrong.
I have created a test queue, and three agents have been created in it: 211@local (tier level 1), 212@local (level 2), and 213@local (level 3).
If all three agents are in the Available|Waiting state, then a call to the queue causes agents 211 and 212 to be called, but agent 213 does not receive a call at all. I waited more than three minutes.
If directive agents 211 and 212 are switched to the ‘On Break’ state, then the agent 213 is called in the best possible way and accepts the call normally.
I tried the longest-idle-agent and sequentially-by-agent-order strategies - the result is the same.
I don’t use vanilla because I don’t fully understand everything about it yet, I have my own small config.
This is how the queue is described in it.
<configuration name="callcenter.conf" description="CallCenter">
<param name="odbc-dsn" value="freeswitch-pgsql:freeswitch:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/>
<queue name="test@local">
<param name="strategy" value="sequentially-by-agent-order"/>
<param name="moh-sound" value="local_stream://moh/8000"/>
<param name="time-base-score" value="system"/>
<param name="max-wait-time" value="0"/>
<param name="max-wait-time-with-no-agent" value="0"/>
<param name="max-wait-time-with-no-agent-time-reached" value="5"/>
<param name="tier-rules-apply" value="true"/>
<param name="tier-rule-wait-second" value="10"/>
<param name="tier-rule-wait-multiply-level" value="false"/>
<param name="tier-rule-no-agent-no-wait" value="false"/>
<param name="discard-abandoned-after" value="60"/>
<param name="abandoned-resume-allowed" value="false"/>
<agent name="211@local" type="callback" contact="[call_timeout=10]user/211@$${local_address}" status="Available" max-no-answer="9999" wrap-up-time="10" reject-delay-time="5" busy-delay-time="5" no-answer-delay-time="5"/>
<agent name="212@local" type="callback" contact="[call_timeout=10]user/212@$${local_address}" status="Available" max-no-answer="9999" wrap-up-time="10" reject-delay-time="5" busy-delay-time="5" no-answer-delay-time="5"/>
<agent name="213@local" type="callback" contact="[call_timeout=10]user/213@$${local_address}" status="Available" max-no-answer="9999" wrap-up-time="10" reject-delay-time="5" busy-delay-time="5" no-answer-delay-time="5"/>
<tier agent="211@local" queue="test@local" level="1" position="1"/>
<tier agent="212@local" queue="test@local" level="2" position="1"/>
<tier agent="213@local" queue="test@local" level="3" position="1"/>
I would really appreciate help with this problem.