Notice to alert the Community about core api changes breaking some modules

Hello Everyone!

This is a notice to alert the Community about break changes. FreeSWITCH core and modules updated to accommodate upstream(LibCURL) changes. switch_curl_process_form_post_params() function was replaced by switch_curl_process_mime()

Modules impacted/updated:

  • Core
  • mod_cidlookup
  • mod_curl
  • mod_httapi
  • mod_http_cache
  • mod_kazoo
  • mod_shout

Module example with changes applied

The type was abstracted to switch_curl_mime and HAVE_SWITCH_CURL_MIME was defined.

	switch_curl_mime *formpost;
	struct curl_httppost *formpost;
			switch_curl_process_mime(params, curl_handle, &formpost);
			switch_curl_process_form_post_params(params, curl_handle, &formpost);
		switch_curl_easy_setopt_mime(curl_handle, formpost);
		curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, formpost);
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Just noticed that mod_kazoo was removed from FreeSWITCH in

Is its removal related to the breaking changes in this post?

We use mod_erlang_event so this does not impact us, but I was about to explore the idea of potentially replacing it with mod_kazoo and I couldn’t find any other info online about this. Thank you!

mod_kazoo was moved to it’s own repo. Since it was removed from tree it is unsupported. Please see GitHub - freeswitch/mod_kazoo: Socket Controlled Event Handler module for FreeSWITCH for the repo.