Freshly installed freeswitch in debian cannot use telnet

Whenever I do telnet localhost 8021 I get

  Connected to {}.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  Content-Type: auth/request
  auth ClueCon
  Content-Type: text/disconnect-notice
  Content-Length: 67
  Disconnected, goodbye.
  See you at ClueCon!
  Connection closed by foreign host.

I already changed acl config, socket config but I still can’t do it. My main goal is to connect from my local pc via telnet, but even inside the server isn’t working. I also allowed 8021 and other freeswitch ports.

Once it shows connected, press enter a couple times.

<7>:telnet localhost 8021
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Content-Type: auth/request

auth ClueCon
-------------------------------------<Press Enter
-------------------------------------<Press Enter
Content-Type: command/reply
Reply-Text: +OK accepted