I have noticed some stalled calls (could not be ended with uuid_kill or hupall). From signaling, channel/leg is being originated from FS to telco GW and to a conference on FS (originate … &conference(name)). What is interesting, telco replay with 183/SDP early media (PCMU), and when answering with 200/SDP (PCMU), they do one reinvite to PCMA, then immediately after another one reinvite back to (PCMU). No idea why…
FS - telco
← 100
← 183 (PCMU)
← 200 (PCMU)
← INVITE (PCMA) 1st reinvite
→ 100
→ 200 (PCMA)
← INVITE (PCMA) 2nd reinvite
→ 100
- it stall here
I have managed to reproduce this with SIPp. What is interesting:
- if I originate and &park(), there is no problem
- if I do &conference(name), call stall
- without a codec change in reinvite, the channel is ok
- there is no pause between reinvites, they are generated by telco almost immediately. If I add 100ms pause in SIPp between two reinvites, signaling go fine.
I’m running 11.10.8-dev git 98d2e62