FreeSWITCH Office Hours Signup

Need help from the FreeSWITCH experts?


Twice a month, we host FreeSWITCH Office Hours where you can bring your questions when you need help from the people who know FreeSWITCH the best. We want to give you an opportunity to meet up and talk with the development team about questions that aren’t covered in documentation, open issues you want to check on or a PR you’d like feedback about.

Anyone is welcome to jump into these calls which are hosted the first and third Tuesday of every month at 9 AM PT. You can sign up to get reminders and add to the agenda here by clicking here.

This is a great resource if you’d like to work through your questions with the team in real time!

See you there!

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pls I need an online command to start a video call and send a message via FreeSWITCH on Debian 11 Raspberry Pi. could you help me

Question:how can i perform speech to text using pocketsphinix & FreeSWITCH Version 1.10.3-release~64bit (-release 64bit), Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS and i have to implement in this version of freeswitch and ubuntu.
i am getting err like this checking for v8-6.1_static >= 6.1.298… checking for v8fs_static >= 6.1.298… checking for v8 >= 6.1.298… configure: error: You need to either install libv8-6.1-dev (>= 6.1.298), libv8fs-dev (>= 6.1.298) or disable mod_v8 in modules.con

Please do not hijack threads for a completely different topic.

If you have not already asked this question in a new thread, please do so.


Is this service still taking place? I’m online and it’s the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Regards, Philip

Hi Philip! We cancelled today’s Office Hours, but they will continue as scheduled on September 3rd.