Interrogations about Core Database

Hi everyone,

I have a small question concerning the database Freeswtich uses to make calls.
In my architecture, I use an external Postgres database and I have correctly defined the DSN in the configuration file: “conf/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml”

When I intentionally shut down the postgres service:

2024-06-11 11:59:16.260381 98.63% [CRIT] mod_pgsql.c:160 PQstatus returned bad connection -- reconnection failed!
2024-06-11 11:59:16.260381 98.63% [CRIT] mod_pgsql.c:189 The sql server is not responding for DSN hostaddr=XXX dbname=xxxDB user=xxxUSER password='xxxPASSWORD' options='-c client_min_messages=NOTICE' [could not connect to server: Connection refused
        Is the server running on host "XXX" and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

I can still make calls, which I don’t think is normally possible.

Best regards,


Check and see if postgres is running. sqlite might be handing the calls instead. Databases | FreeSWITCH Documentation

I am attempting to understand the logic and whether, despite establishing an external Postgres database, the SQLITE database is still being utilized.

For instance, for user ag, they are stored in the internal SQLite database.
I observed this behavior when I modified the permissions of the /db/ directory, resulting in the following errors:

2024-06-11 15:52:58.461215 2.23% [DEBUG] sofia_reg.c:1838 Send challenge for []
2024-06-11 15:52:58.461215 2.23% [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:728 [db="sofia_reg_internal",type="core_db"] NATIVE SQL ERR [attempt to write a readonly database]
insert into sip_authentication (nonce,expires,profile_name,hostname, last_nc) values('e159ff28-280d-499b-b566-891f84edcee4', 1718114038, 'internal', 'debian', 0)

This is the intended functionality, but is there a way to have everything managed by the external DB ?

I am attempting to understand the logic and whether, despite establishing an external Postgres database, the SQLITE database is still being utilized.

For instance, for user ag, they are stored in the internal SQLite database.
I observed this behavior when I modified the permissions of the /db/ directory, resulting in the following errors:

2024-06-11 15:52:58.461215 2.23% [DEBUG] sofia_reg.c:1838 Send challenge for []
2024-06-11 15:52:58.461215 2.23% [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:728 [db="sofia_reg_internal",type="core_db"] NATIVE SQL ERR [attempt to write a readonly database]
insert into sip_authentication (nonce,expires,profile_name,hostname, last_nc) values('e159ff28-280d-499b-b566-891f84edcee4', 1718114038, 'internal', 'debian', 0)

This is the intended functionality, but is there a way to have everything managed by the external DB ?